ញាក់សាច់! បែកធ្លាយវីដេអូស្រីKTV រួមរ័កជាមួយភ្ញៀវក្នុងបន្ទប់ ដោយសារតែលុយ១០០ដុល្លារ(មានវីដេអូ)

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Find Out the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms Treatment - 3 Ultimate Guides to Treat Them

Do you ever been into a situation where you can feel the numbness and tingling sensation on your finger tip? If you happen to have this kind of feeling around your fingers or on your arms, you should know that you are currently experiencing of what we called Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. If you're eager to get rid of these annoying pain, read more below and find out more about the carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms treatment

The Causes Of Carpal Tunnel

The compression on the median nerve within your wrist is the what causes this syndrome to happen. There are 8 carpal bones which is Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetral, Pisiform, Hamate, Trapezoid, Trapezium and Capitate has been compressed altogether which caused the very small and narrow nerves tunnel opening between your arm and your hand. This is the reason why you are feeling the numbness, tingling and no doubt the pain at the same time. If you let this prolong and don't take any action upon the pain, the numbness can spread up to your shoulder and even to your neck. This is very dangerous and there is nothing you can do except for surgery treatment.

The Carpal Tunnel Home Treatment

The Massage Treatment

Massaging your hands is essential for your carpal tunnel treatment. It helps to enhance the blood circulation within your hands. This treatment can be done by yourself or simply seek for professional massage therapy. Massage treatment helps to normalize the muscles and get rids of areas that are "too tight" which the one that possibly caused pain. For best result, don't forget to apply some essential aromatherapy oil while performing the massage treatment.

Get A Winter Gloves And Wear Them On

Yes, you heard me right. Put on your winter clothing gloves. It basically helps your hands to get warm and increase the blood flow circulation within your hand. It also prevent your constricted blood vessel to overworked. Make sure to wear it for about an hour or less.

Apply The Homeopathy Treatment

Homeopathy treatment basically helps you to reduce the inflammation. For best result, you can use Bryonia, Hypericum, Rhus toxicodendron, and Ruta graveolens for the homeopathic treatment. These ingredients works well to microdoses of certain homeopathic carpal tunnel medicines.

In order to make the above methods to work for you, it will need a consistency and regular effort to perform all these methods. It may take up to few months for you to see the great result. If you want to see a drastic fast result, you will need to follow a professional guide which has laid down all the necessary steps that you can follow.

There are actually a new proven natural method which can help you to permanently eliminate your carpal tunnel syndrome completely without prescribing to any drugs, muscle relaxant, cortisone shots or even any dangerous surgeries. This home treatment for carpal tunnel can be perform anytime at your own leisure time.

Thousands of carpal tunnel sufferers has cured their hands problem completely and able to live their life normally by using this approach. Simply visit Carpal-Tunnel-Master.com [http://www.carpal-tunnel-master.com] today and discover a massage therapist explaining how to relief the pain just a minutes per day.

Do You Have These Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms?

So, just what is carpal tunnel syndrome? Well, carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the name that is given for several symptoms that are localized in the wrist and hand. They include loss of strength in your wrist(s) and hand(s), pain, tingling, and sometimes even swelling.

The carpal tunnel is a small passage through the bones of your wrist. There are tendons, blood vessels and the median nerve that pass through this space. When all is well there is room to spare for all its contents. However, when the tendons and other tissues swell for any reason, the space is the tunnel is reduced and the nerve and other tissues are compressed.

The median nerve is responsible for the the feelings and sensations on the palm side of your hand. Specifically the palmar aspect of the thumb and first 3 fingers. The swelling and irritation of the tendons and tissues puts pressure on this nerve. This pressure on the median nerve is what causes the symptoms of CTS.

This condition has become fairly common in the United States work force. It and other repetitive strain injuries have become very costly, both in terms of lost work time and adequate medical treatment.

Many times those who suffer from CTS receive physical therapy that involves stretching and exercise. However, physical therapy does not always produce positive results. This may be due to the fact that people continue to do the same job that contributed to the carpal tunnel in the first place.

If the carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms persist, surgery has been somewhat successful. Typically a small incision is made on the palm of the hand through the ligament that forms the roof of the area. This releases the compression on the nerve but as with any surgery, there is always the potential for complication.

So, what are carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms? Usually the problems begin fairly slowly in the hand and wrist. Most people report a burning sensation or numbness and tingling. Typically the most affected spots are the thumb, index and middle fingers. At first, symptoms may happen more often at night.

Most of the people who suffer from CTS sufferers don't make a connection between what they are doing during the day that might be causing the problem. Because the problem area is at the wrist joint, people who sleep with their wrists bent may see a rapid increase in their symptoms during the night time. They usually radiate up the arm during the day time and progressively become extremely aggravating.

The main symptom that people complain of is that of weakness in the hands that gets worse over time. This weakness progresses to the point where the victims find it difficult to grasp an object, make a fist, or hold onto something small.

People who think that they may have carpal tunnel should research and understand their condition and what they themselves can do about it. Frequently, if the symptoms are not too severe, CTS can be reversed by performing exercises and learning which activities they should avoid. There are many good resources that are available that will teach people with carpal tunnel exactly how they can reduce their symptoms and sometimes cure their condition altogether.

Also, for those who have a better understanding of what carpal tunnel is are better prepared to participate with their doctor in developing a treatment program to relieve their carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms.

Avoiding Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Other 'Terminal' Diseases

More and more people all over the world have at least one thing in common: they spend many hours at the keyboard of a computer terminal. They have another thing in common: tight shoulders, back pain, tendinitis, and in many cases, carpal tunnel syndrome -- "repetitive use injuries".

So let me say a few words about work hygiene -- things beyond "keyboard hygiene" that you may not have heard before -- because if you're going to avoid stress or repetitive use injuries, you're going to do something different to take care of yourself. More on that, later.

Repetitive use injuries do not come from mechanical problems of the body; they, themselves, are mechanical problems caused by habitual action patterns, ways of working. Habitual ways of working set up habitual tension patterns in your muscles and habitual states of stress. Repetitive use injuries are one physical manifestation of stress.

Your brain is an organ of learning and the master control center for your muscles and movements. If your muscles are too tight, the problem lies not in your muscles, but in your brain, which controls them. You have conditioned yourself to maintain a state of muscular tension. The mechanical problems of the body come from how you have applied yourself to your work.


You may notice that people who work at a keyboard spend long periods sitting in one position. As they do, three things happen: they enter a heightened state of concentration, they hold relatively still during those periods of concentration (except for their hands), and their breathing and circulation decrease.

Let's look at what happens with each of those aspects of self-programming.
Heightened Concentration

Usually, keyboard workers enter not merely a heightened state of concentration; they enter a state of high-speed concentration -- the race to beat the deadline or to meet the quota. To work at high speed involves a heightened state of tension.

This heightened tension affects workers in two ways: their whole body gets tense, particularly in the low back, neck and shoulders; and the muscles of their forearms, which control the movements of the hands, get especially tense, possibly leading to tendinitis in the wrists or carpal tunnel syndrome. Neck tension pulls the neck vertebrae closer together and can cause pinched nerves.

Long periods of tension, like long periods of exercise, create a kind of conditioning. As someone programs themselves (i.e., learns) to meet the demands of a job -- they get used to the tensions it entails. These tensions tax the body and form the bodily basis for job stress, burnout, and medical consequences.

This kind of self-conditioning also creates carpal tunnel syndrome. Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, which involves burning sensations and numbness down the arms, has the same origins.

Lack of Movement

Movement interrupts tension habits. Conversely, lack of movement while under tension leads to conditioning into a state of tension. Postures become set; people "set up" like jello --but without the jiggle! They get stiff on the job.

The position most people adopt when working at the keyboard involves suspending their arms with bent elbows, hands over the keyboard. This position places strain on the muscles of the back and shoulders below the shoulder blades, which prevent the shoulders from rolling forward. Those muscles get tired and sore and produce mid-back pain.

The combination of intense concentration and lack of movement is a sure formula for stiffness and stagnation. It is an often unrecognized fact that muscles pump blood as they relax and contract. Muscles that stay in heightened tension produce metabolic waste products that accumulate. The effect is stagnation and fatigue.

Circulation Decreases

In addition, muscular tension blocks blood circulation (since blood must circulate through the muscles). This tension-induced blockage makes the job of the heart even harder, deprived as it already is of the pumping action of muscles in movement.

Decreased breathing leads to decreased mental clarity and decreased productivity -- not to mention decreased vitality.

Lack of good keyboard hygiene contributes to tight shoulders, to low back pain, and to Worker's Compensation costs.


Something Anyone Can Do and Something for People Who Need More

Take stretch breaks. A stretch break interrupts the formation of a tension habit and flushes out stagnant body fluids. There are certain movements that you can perform to prevent tension from accumulating in your back, shoulders, and forearms.

Better than a stretch break, however, is an exercise break. Five minutes of calisthenics -- windmills, side-bends, and running in place -- can make your morning break feel like a vacation (or at least highly refreshing).

Another way in which you can reverse the effects of prolonged keyboarding is with somatic exercises. These exercises reverse the conditioning that result in habitually tight muscles; they refresh your ability to relax.

So break your concentration. Interrupt your "productivity program". Take care of yourself. You'll be more productive.



Accumulated tension takes its toll. Once accumulated past a certain point, tension cannot sufficiently be eliminated by mere stretching and calisthenics. The person has lost too much bodily awareness to release the stored tensions; you can voluntarily release only the tension you can feel. So the "tension program" continues to run on automatic.

People at that point turn increasingly to massage therapists. Massage therapy produces healthful benefits, and it can be habit forming! On-site massage has become increasingly popular in recent years.

However, massage therapy has a big limitation: its benefits are temporary. Due to the need for repetition, massage therapy can become an ongoing expense of which people may tire -- at the expense of repetitive use injury. Often, by the time chronic tension has produced a Worker's Compensation claim, the person is generally beyond the help of a massage therapist. Their brain is too conditioned to let the muscles relax for long. Something else is needed.

That "something else" is control of your own muscular tension. One name for the training process that gives you back control of yourself is, "somatic education."

Somatic education gives you back control of the brain conditioning that keeps you tight. Once done, you don't need to pay special attention to your muscles or state of tension; you're freed -- and you have sufficient bodily awareness to notice when you need a break -- basically, because you notice that you're not comfortable, any more. You take a break and take care of yourself.

Somatic Education improves or restores natural control of muscular tension by a short-term, physical learning process in which you participate actively, coached as necessary by a somatic educator. The somatic educator's job is to make it easy for you to regain control of your muscular tension. This approach differs from massage and chiropractic because it leaves you self-sufficient and able to manage conditions that might otherwise ultimately worsen until you require medical intervention, such as surgery. There are numerous forms of somatic education: the Alexander Technique, the Trager Approach, Feldenkrais Somatic Integration, Rolfing Movement, Hanna Somatic Education, and others. Some produce results faster than others, and some produce significant improvements nearly immediately.

Your Doctor Says It's Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Now What?

Hopefully you've been heeding my advice and you've gone to see your doctor about your hand pain. I'm going to guess that if he told you that he thinks you have carpal tunnel syndrome, he probably gave you a brace (or splint) and told you to come see him in a month. Hopefully he has referred you to a hand therapist or hand surgeon, and now you're just waiting to see what happens next. Don't panic. Once you understand what's involved, I think you'll feel a lot better.

So, let's talk about that. What IS next?

First of all, let's talk about what carpal tunnel syndrome really involves. Because if there is something that I've learned over the years, it's that people don't get a good explanation of what is really going on inside their hand. And as I always say, knowledge is power.

Your "carpal tunnel" is a space in the base of your palm that is formed by several wrist bones and a thick ligament. Imagine it like this: Make an "O" shape between your thumb and your index finger. Now, hold your arm in a way that forces your palm to be facing the ceiling. The bottom half of the circle is a group of bones. The top half of the circle is a ligament. You've just created a mock-up carpal tunnel.

Through that "tunnel", you have several tendons (that make your fingers bend) and one very important nerve that operates your thumb muscles and also gives you sensation to your thumb, index, middle, and part of your ring finger. Over time, if those tendons swell, they will crush the nerve against the wall (which is the ligament we talked about earlier) and that pinches the nerve, forcing it to stop working well. Usually, your first symptom is numbness or tingling, then hand pain at night, and eventually you start dropping things because your thumb is getting weaker (and you can't feel properly).

This information is good to have so that you understand WHY the doctor wants you to wear a splint. See, when you bend your wrist in either direction, you pinch the (already irritated) tunnel more, which cuts off the nerve supply and makes your symptoms worse. The purpose of the splint is to keep your wrist "straight" so that the tunnel is as open as possible. Sometimes a splint is all you need to completely recover. Problem solved!

Go ahead and make that "O" again with your thumb and index finger. Now leave a slight gap where your fingers should be touching. When a surgeon performs a carpal tunnel release, he is simply cutting that ligament in half so that it relieves the pressure that has been squishing the nerve. He doesn't remove anything. He just opens up the space so that your nerve can "breathe" again. Easy peasy! You will usually have to take it easy for a few weeks, and maybe spend another few in therapy, but after that, you are as good as new!

5 Ways to Be Completely Anonymous Online

Internet anonymity is hard to come by, but not impossible. Much of what you read, buy, bookmark, or share online is tracked. Hackers are always looking for ways of accessing your personal information, while big data firms want to sell your online data. In addition, many people believe that the government may be eavesdropping on their online activities. Therefore, it is important to take steps to ensure that your online activities remain completely anonymous.

1. VPN Connection

Your standard Internet connection may expose your identity, location, and browsing behavior. Hackers and data mining companies may use tracking cookies to collect your personal information. A VPN connection does not store data in tracking cookies and helps to keep users' online activities private or anonymous. The connection is like a tunnel that links your Internet connection directly with a VPN provider. The provider then encrypts all the information stored or transmitted through the network. VPN connections also enable Internet users to access content may otherwise not be accessible in their locations.

VPN connections help users to hide their IP addresses. There are many VPN service providers available on the market. However, it is important to consider various factors before choosing a VPN service. First, find out the actual location of the VPN service provider. Secondly, check if the software used by the VPN service provider is compatible with your computer or network software. Avoid using VPN services that retain activity logs, which are vulnerable to privacy infringements. Consider signing up for VPN services that you can also use on your portable devices including laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

2. Operating System

Your computer operating system may be the first loophole that may compromise your privacy. The settings of your operating systems can allow it to automatically send your usage data and statistics to developers making it prone to viruses and malwares. Consider using operating systems that do not have such features and are not easy to compromise. However, it is important to know that such operating systems may not be user-friendly and may require knowledge of using programs commands.

3. Tor Connection

Tor connections are considered some of the best ways to remain completely anonymous online. The data that travels through a Tor connection goes through various servers making it difficult to track. Although Tor comes with its own configured browser, you can use it with VPN to make your connection completely anonymous. The more people volunteer to act as servers for the Tor connection, the more efficient and faster the Tor will be because of the bigger bandwidth. Despite being one of the most effective ways to protect your anonymity, it is advisable to use a Tor connection with caution because of the risk of incriminating yourself in case sensitive data passes through your computer acting as a server.

Tor connections are often slow because many people are not comfortable letting their computers be used as servers for the network. Tor connections can also acts as gateways to the deep web, which is a hub of criminal activities. In addition, people from countries that lack laws on Internet privacy and data sharing may use Tor connections to infringe on users' privacy.

4. Switching Your Browser

Your browser may be exposing your data to theft or misuse. Therefore, consider switching to a browser that offers advanced privacy features. Avoid using browsers that are owned by major companies and search engines because they often collect users' information and data. Consider using browsers that allow you to control the number of cookies accessing your site and the information that can be collected by software developers. Many websites load content from a wide range of servers, which is almost like going to the store, buying food in unlabeled containers, and hoping for the best. The browser you use and the data it collects creates a digital thumbprint that identifies you.

5. Use Anonymous Connections

It is important to use anonymous connections even when you are on VPN connections. This will help to further enhance your online privacy. Consider using Internet enabled devices designed to enhance online anonymity. Such devices enable you to access the internet from any part of the world without exposing your IP address or location. They work by fracturing your online traffic through a reverse GSM bridge that ends up dropping back onto the internet and leaving through a different wireless network.

Many people do not understand that they leave their digital footprints whenever they surf the web. This information can be used by hackers to commit various kinds of criminal acts. If you are interested in protecting yourself online then you need to check out the book Tor and The Darknet by James Smith.

When Is The Best Time To Institute Online Voting In the United States?

There sure is a lot of controversy when it comes to voting in the US. No one really trusts the system. When we go to the polls we see people trying to vote that look questionable - perhaps are not even US citizens. When we go online we find stories on just how easy it is to manipulate voting machines, then we read stories about dead people voting, people voting multiple times, voter suppression tactics, and some wonder if our vote even counts - who can you trust? Then the CIA gets involved and says foreign entities are hacking to change the election and we all know the CIA motto: Trust No One!

Now then, when we make online transactions, check our accounts at the bank, or use our smart phone to make a purchase at a store, we feel pretty safe - we know safe guards are omnipresent and we trust the system. So, why can't we institute online voting and smartphone apps to vote? Fact is; we can, and someday we probably will - but when you ask? Surely in our lifetimes right - yes, I believe so, and so too do those at our think tank. Indeed, one think tanker, Cody Hunt, stated:

"I think the best time to implement the app would be right after a presidential election. The new president will be up on stage a lot speaking about all the new policy and what he/she plans on doing during their term. Then the president can speak briefly on the app and get the word out. Then as the new policy polls begin to happen the app can take immediate effect."

Well, agree with Cody Hunt on this one. The best time to START would be right after a Presidential Election, not before, as it gives time to work out the bugs and helps the new administration transition team and the bureaucrats ramp up for a "REAL CHANGE" and so it should be done. Wow, I really like that idea now that you've brought it to my attention. Thanks, this is really good stuff.

What should our think tank do to help this process of online voting come into fruition? Well first we must work on an outline of implementation, we need to start. Then we can get it to the right people, now is a good time to do it too, because it might even become something that the media goes for once we have the plan set up, like a step-by-step plan, plus a Business Plan executive summary. A 2-page summary and three page outline, easy to pitch. Hmm? I like this idea, I know it is possible, and it's time.